haha... yup... I'm back after a lllooonnnggg time... Hope nobody thought this blog or me was dead... Blogging in daddy's church again and the buttons on this keyboard are so stiff... Was kindda busy recently, and actually now... Tommorow is the day i don't think any other secondary school kid like me would look forward to in their right mind... haha... I'm seriously supposed to be doing my English Language and English Literature now, but the thing is, I don't get a meaning of what the passage is trying to say... For Eng Lit.? I don't really get the last part of the passage... sighs... Wondering how am I gonna complete it by tonight... With the help of God and Mummy???
haa... Things that happened when my blog was sleeping?? Getting my handphone back a day after my last post... St. Andrew's Cathedral Mandarin Congregation Church Camp... Preparations for the new house at Paya Lebar... And also a briefing Mummy and I went about my new MacBook the school will be lending my class 1E, and another class 1B... So exciting... Even got a hands-on with my future toy... Lucius and I intend to buy a MacBook bag from Crumpler soon...
Oya, and for those of you who got scared when you read about Singapore being under the sea in 100 years' time if Global Warming continues, not to worry anymore, coz' I learnt from my brother-in-law that some people are learning how to build *dykes in Singapore to prevent access sea water from entering the mainland of Singapore...
Going back now to figure out about the mysterious story of the "Hatchet" and the ever so naughty "Charles"... chao...
*dykes = tall walls built along costal areas that go from the seabed all the way out of the
water to prevent access sea water from entering a country or island.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
2 d4y5 t1LL i g3t my h4ndpH0n3 b4cK...
Don't worry... You ain't behind time... It's just that after Mummy and Mr Koh spoke on the phone, Mr Koh has finally decide to give me a second chance... My record is C.L.E.A.N!!! So I will be getting my handphone back on Wednesday and bla bla bla... I actually had a sit-down in Mr Koh's office today... It was kindda funny though... He was not fierce when he was speaking to me... In fact, he was even smiling at certain times and even apologised to me for sounding so fierce on Friday... I guess fierce people have their nice side too...
There was also public caning for 2 Marists for theft today... *sighs*... Mr Koh said that there had not been a public caning for 5 good years. And today, on 21 May 2007, it was broken... Kindda sad... I actually heard 4 L.O.U.D strokes of the cane... That meant 2 stokes for each boy. My class and 1D did not get to see the caning as we were 1 storey under the whole event.
Today, was also the start of our Post-exam activities. Before reccess, we had a talk on "Manners and Etiquette". *lolz* After reccess, we watched a documentary on "Global Warming". I learnt that SINGAPORE COULD BE UNDER THE SEA IN 100 YEARS' TIME IF GLOBAL WARMING CONTINUES!
There was also public caning for 2 Marists for theft today... *sighs*... Mr Koh said that there had not been a public caning for 5 good years. And today, on 21 May 2007, it was broken... Kindda sad... I actually heard 4 L.O.U.D strokes of the cane... That meant 2 stokes for each boy. My class and 1D did not get to see the caning as we were 1 storey under the whole event.
Today, was also the start of our Post-exam activities. Before reccess, we had a talk on "Manners and Etiquette". *lolz* After reccess, we watched a documentary on "Global Warming". I learnt that SINGAPORE COULD BE UNDER THE SEA IN 100 YEARS' TIME IF GLOBAL WARMING CONTINUES!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
4 w33k i w15h w45 ju5 4 dR34m...
Sighs... It was really a tough week for me...
Firstly, on Monday. Well, nothing much happened... Lucius, Benedict and Ashton came to "my" house to start on our whole drama assessment thingy... All we accomplished was the storyline of our story. haha...
Tuesday. In the morning after assembly, Mrs Tan-Goh (Geography teacher), gave us back our Geography papers. Believe it or not, I failed the paper. BY 1 MARK!!! I was really pissed off already. Then Renbin had to rub it in by telling the whole class about my failure... But well, at least he "apologised" in the end... D'n'T lesson was just drawing keychains and after that talking to Ms Sim for the last time - in a way la... Science lesson, we were all just talking away in the Science Lab., while Mr Goh tried to load a video about FIRST AID KIT, but was unsuccessful. lol... During Art lesson, Mr Lim K.G. told us our marks for CA1+SA1. At least I passed... Then to end off the day, was our Drama Lesson. We had one and a half hours to rehearse. Just nice for my group. Hope you don't find me proud, but I thought my group did the best, comparing with the rest of the groups in the class...
Wednesday. We did not have P.E. so we watched videos on "Character Development". *yawn*... During Maths lesson, Ms Lee gave back the papers. 52/80. Well, I know it's not very good, but I'm lucky that I passed. During Science lesson, we watched videos on "Managing Stress". haha... At least I found it kindda interesting... During English lesson, we got back our English Paper 2. Kindda happy to know that I was 3rd best in class. haha... Comprehension: 16/20 Summary: 14/20. Oya, and during recess, I went to ask Ms Sim about my D'n'T marks... 85/100... A1!!! 2nd in standard... lol.
Thursday. During I.T. lesson, we watched "Superman Returns" haha... During Eng. Lit., we got back our Eng. Lit. papers. 21/50... My second failure... sighs... If you think my results are bad enough, then don't continue. Coz' for Chinese lesson, I learnt that I failed miserably for the paper... I don't even wanna key in the marks here. Coz' anyway, I'm not even sure about the marks. But what I'm sure of, was that this was not the last failure. Then for English lesson, we got back our Paper 1. Composition: 16/30 Letter Writing: 23/30! That leads to a total of 62.5% for my SA1 English paper... Kindda satisfied... 2nd or 3rd best in class. We were actually suppose to have two periods with Ms Lee. But Chinese Culture teacher took one period to give out and go through the Chinese Culture paper. 28/100. Two good things. Firstly, I was not the worst in class. Secondly, This was considered as a "D" and it was not really important in the report card. But still,... I know, I know... Ms Lee took the other Math period to go through the Math paper, until 3.30pm, when lesson was suppose to end at 3pm... haha.
Friday. You all may think it would be the best day of the week. But it was the worst. Worse than Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday put together... My handphone got confiscated by Mr Dennis Koh. Too much happened about the whole confiscation. So if you're desperate to find out what happened, just come and look for me, and I will tell you the whole story verbally... It was really something BIG. 70 days till I get my handphone back.
Saturday (today). Well, Daddy, Mummy, Kar Jie, Clinton kor kor, Asher and I went to Changi Airport to have dinner at Sakae Suhi. At least we had some "good quality time" together, with Clinton kor kor with his humorous jokes... haha... 69 days till I get my handphone back.
Firstly, on Monday. Well, nothing much happened... Lucius, Benedict and Ashton came to "my" house to start on our whole drama assessment thingy... All we accomplished was the storyline of our story. haha...
Tuesday. In the morning after assembly, Mrs Tan-Goh (Geography teacher), gave us back our Geography papers. Believe it or not, I failed the paper. BY 1 MARK!!! I was really pissed off already. Then Renbin had to rub it in by telling the whole class about my failure... But well, at least he "apologised" in the end... D'n'T lesson was just drawing keychains and after that talking to Ms Sim for the last time - in a way la... Science lesson, we were all just talking away in the Science Lab., while Mr Goh tried to load a video about FIRST AID KIT, but was unsuccessful. lol... During Art lesson, Mr Lim K.G. told us our marks for CA1+SA1. At least I passed... Then to end off the day, was our Drama Lesson. We had one and a half hours to rehearse. Just nice for my group. Hope you don't find me proud, but I thought my group did the best, comparing with the rest of the groups in the class...
Wednesday. We did not have P.E. so we watched videos on "Character Development". *yawn*... During Maths lesson, Ms Lee gave back the papers. 52/80. Well, I know it's not very good, but I'm lucky that I passed. During Science lesson, we watched videos on "Managing Stress". haha... At least I found it kindda interesting... During English lesson, we got back our English Paper 2. Kindda happy to know that I was 3rd best in class. haha... Comprehension: 16/20 Summary: 14/20. Oya, and during recess, I went to ask Ms Sim about my D'n'T marks... 85/100... A1!!! 2nd in standard... lol.
Thursday. During I.T. lesson, we watched "Superman Returns" haha... During Eng. Lit., we got back our Eng. Lit. papers. 21/50... My second failure... sighs... If you think my results are bad enough, then don't continue. Coz' for Chinese lesson, I learnt that I failed miserably for the paper... I don't even wanna key in the marks here. Coz' anyway, I'm not even sure about the marks. But what I'm sure of, was that this was not the last failure. Then for English lesson, we got back our Paper 1. Composition: 16/30 Letter Writing: 23/30! That leads to a total of 62.5% for my SA1 English paper... Kindda satisfied... 2nd or 3rd best in class. We were actually suppose to have two periods with Ms Lee. But Chinese Culture teacher took one period to give out and go through the Chinese Culture paper. 28/100. Two good things. Firstly, I was not the worst in class. Secondly, This was considered as a "D" and it was not really important in the report card. But still,... I know, I know... Ms Lee took the other Math period to go through the Math paper, until 3.30pm, when lesson was suppose to end at 3pm... haha.
Friday. You all may think it would be the best day of the week. But it was the worst. Worse than Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday put together... My handphone got confiscated by Mr Dennis Koh. Too much happened about the whole confiscation. So if you're desperate to find out what happened, just come and look for me, and I will tell you the whole story verbally... It was really something BIG. 70 days till I get my handphone back.
Saturday (today). Well, Daddy, Mummy, Kar Jie, Clinton kor kor, Asher and I went to Changi Airport to have dinner at Sakae Suhi. At least we had some "good quality time" together, with Clinton kor kor with his humorous jokes... haha... 69 days till I get my handphone back.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
5p1d3rM4n 3...
(Realise I am hardly in any of the pics? Well, I was taking them! *haha*)woohoo, what a day I had... Today went out with Lucius, Jian Ming, Benedict and Nicholas go Vivocity watch Spiderman3. We got tickets for the 2.10pm show at GvMax (The BIG screen theatre)... So cool... But before that we went to the arcade and I tried out this sort of pilot simulator thingy... I, wanting to become a commercial pilot, have to sadly admit I could not land the plane!!! And Jian Ming, NOT wanting to become a commercial pilot, managed to land the plane!!! I'm like so totally embarrassed... =p Anyway, after that we went to eat lunch and the watched the movie... I unfortunately seem to have lost my movie ticket... After the movie, we went to the Wading pool at level 3 and played around... haha, had so much fun there... My pants got wet there too... Then, Lucius went to grab some Ben'n'Jerry's Ice Cream and we went back to E-zone to play a bit more... By the time we left, was already 7pm+... But through it all, I really had loads of fun. haha... (Think I'll be going out again tommorow...)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
cH1n353 p4p3r 2... l45t d4y 0f 3z4m5!!!
(I'm blogging at Jian Ming's house now...) I'm not sure if I will flunk my Chinese paper 2... Almost everyone said that the paper was very difficult and that they will fail the paper... Well good luck to them! And, also good luck to me... haha... But on the bright side, NO MORE EXAMS!!! I'm just so happy now... And I think Lucius, Jian Ming, Benedict, NickFoo and me would me going to watch a movie tomorow at Golden Village @ Junction 8... Spiderman 3!!! Hopefully we'll be able to get good seats... haha... =)
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
3nL15gH L1t3r4tuR3
Well, like I told you guys and gals earlier, I had my English Paper today. And it was not very easy and not very difficult... Average is the word... I don't think I will fail the paper... But one paper, which I'm not sure if I would flunk it for the first time, is CHINESE paper TOMORROW!!! ARGH!!! Well, I have to get on with studying Chinese now... So wish me the best of luck! =)
Monday, May 7, 2007
g30gr4pHy, w1LL 1 fLuNk tH3 5ubj3cT???
*sighs*... Today was Gography paper... TOUGH!!! I did not even have time to complete the paper... Luckily, only a few questions were left blank... But could some of the answers wrong? I really hope, like for all other subjects, THAT I DON'T FLUNK THE GEOGRAPHY!!! Tomorrow would be a paper I've never taken before, English Literature. Hope I don't flunk it... Realise I've been using the word "flunk" a number of times recently? The paper the following day would be...
let's just face reality...
and get straight to the point...
or should we???
Well, is the moment you've all been waiting for...
let's just face reality...
and get straight to the point...
or should we???
Well, is the moment you've all been waiting for...
Friday, May 4, 2007
4rT, cH1n353 cULtur3, m4tH5...
Had my Maths paper and my Art and Chinese Culture paper yesterday... Art paper was easy... I did the question on designing 4 similar tiles with tracing paper. I did wall tiles for the bathroom, with a dolphin theme... After the Art paper, it was well, ya, you should know if you're smart... The paper was like freaking difficult... Most of the answers for MCQ was done by "tikum tikum"... I had no other choice... Slightly more than half of the open-ended questions were left blank... As much as I hate the subject, I hope I don't flunk it... Another subject I'm not sure if I would flunk is Maths... The paper was kindda difficult... Had better pray hard that I don't fail any of my subjects... I NEVER HAD AN "F" GRADE BEFORE!!! Well, one week of the exams are over...*phew*... But there are three more papers I would need to take next week before rejoicing the fact that the exams are over... Wish me the best of luck!!! =)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
cH1n353 p4p3r 1
Today was chinese paper 1... Again, not very easy, neither was it very difficult... The funny thing was that Lucius misunderstood the meaning of the question, and he wrote about a whole new topic... But he said his composition might still be correct. All the best to you Lucius! My compo was 239 words long, and the minimum required words for it is 300! Hopefully I don't get penalised for that... Oya, and during the exam, the invigilator, mr ong, who is also our soccer P.E. teacher, was reading our compos and letters... He was giggling for almost all the compos and letters... Especially mine... Anyway, is he even allowed to do that??? =p
Well, I have to get back to studying my Chinese Culture as we have a test tomorrow... And you got that right. A TEST FOR CHINESE CULTURE!!! I mean so what if we are in a Chinese school, it's already a torture to learn about Chinese Culture. And now they are adding a test to it?! >=( I usually don't pay attention during the lessons, as I find the lesson and the teacher a bore. I don't even wanna tell you how UNREASONABLE the teacher is, or it will ruin my blog. There's also an art exam tomorrow... Well, hopez I'll do well for both exams... bb. =)
Well, I have to get back to studying my Chinese Culture as we have a test tomorrow... And you got that right. A TEST FOR CHINESE CULTURE!!! I mean so what if we are in a Chinese school, it's already a torture to learn about Chinese Culture. And now they are adding a test to it?! >=( I usually don't pay attention during the lessons, as I find the lesson and the teacher a bore. I don't even wanna tell you how UNREASONABLE the teacher is, or it will ruin my blog. There's also an art exam tomorrow... Well, hopez I'll do well for both exams... bb. =)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
mY r3p0rT c4rD
m4yD4y, m4yD4y, w3 h4v 4n 3m3rG3nCy
lol... I was actually studying the wrong thing for the exams... I was actually studying for Chinese Paper 2 when I should have been studying for Paper 1... Only now, at this time, 6.40pm did I realise my mistake... woohoo! Well, there's actually nothing much to study for Paper 1... So I guess I'll spend the rest of the night studying geography... Or maybe watching "Police and Thief"... haha...
Oh, and about yesterday's English Paper 1&2... Well, not very difficult, I would say... And not very easy either... Average is the word... I literally faked my whole compo... I'M VERY CONFIDENT I DID WELL FOR THE ENGLISH PAPERS!!! maybe...
Well, wish me the best of luck for tomorrow's paper!
Oh, and about yesterday's English Paper 1&2... Well, not very difficult, I would say... And not very easy either... Average is the word... I literally faked my whole compo... I'M VERY CONFIDENT I DID WELL FOR THE ENGLISH PAPERS!!! maybe...
Well, wish me the best of luck for tomorrow's paper!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
d01n s0m3th1n g00d
Well, you all saw the title... Anyway, Lucius, Renbin, Benedict, D'n'T teachers Ms Sim and Mr Mak and I went to Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) to hand in over $200 for the Straits Times Pocket Money Fund... The money was raised from the clocks the Sec1 D'n'T students made and bought for $2... But before we went there, we went to Macdonalds' @ Toa Payoh to eat lunch... After lunch, Benedict and I went to an arcade... Ben changed but I didn't... And because I JUST entered the arcade in school uniform, I was shouted at by one of the staff... Couldn't he have been more polite???
So Mummy fetched me at SPH at around 4.15pm and I went to get a file for my Geography notes... - I've decided to buck up on my geography ever since I got 50% overall for CA1!!! And guess what, another good thing I did, I did not ask for a plastic bag! SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!! haha... Well, gotta go now... bb
So Mummy fetched me at SPH at around 4.15pm and I went to get a file for my Geography notes... - I've decided to buck up on my geography ever since I got 50% overall for CA1!!! And guess what, another good thing I did, I did not ask for a plastic bag! SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!! haha... Well, gotta go now... bb
Saturday, April 21, 2007
sighs... Bloggin in daddy's church office now... My home's internet access just recovered yesterday... Two weeks without internet was torture... Could not blog, could not chat on MSN, could not check my mail, COULD NOT SURF THE NET... There was a problem with the wireless adapter and the modem thingy... Have to go back studying geography now... Signing off... ;)
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Just came back from VivoCity... Anyway, there was a Children Ministry Camp in Church from yesterday till today afternoon and the youth had to help out. So the whole thing started off with a bang when we played station games. I was one of the stationmasters and the first station was my station.
There were 5 stations in total and for the first station, the kids had to take three tests. Firstly, they had to rest their forehead on a pole and then spin round 10 times. Secondly, Take a skipping rope and skip three times. Lastly, throw three bean bags into a basket. That ended the first station. The next station, the kids had to put cups on their heads and pour water into the cup beside them. The motive: to get everyone wet! The third station was something most of us might have done before. Passing a rubber band with a toothpick at the mouth. The fourth station was a challenging one. The different groups were blindfolded and they had to make their way down two flights of stairs with a leader picking up six toys on the way down. The twist was we only gave them five while making their way down. The other toy had to be "picked up by coming all the way up again. The last station, which I thought was the most fun, was "THE ANGEL OF DEATH". The groups had to pick up 12 purple bricks and stack them up. Of the 12, one will be with the Angel of Death. If they were noisy and unlucky, you should know what would happen! Jason was the Death Angel for the first two groups while I was the Death Angel for the last group. Boy was it fun.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was nothing much actually, but I did learn a bit on how to play the drums... Worse then a beginner's level... haha... Also learnt a few magic card tricks... And after dinner, the children got together and we sang some songs. After that , teacher Yok Mei taught them some things about puppets... Before bedtime, we had supper under the stars. And I mean literally. We were on the roof top of the church. At around 10.30pm, it was lights out... But the youth had a special birthday surprise for Candice. We stayed all the way until 11.30pm... I guess... At 12.30am, I decided it was time to sleep. Some of the guys played computer soccer, while some slept as well.
6.30am... Wakey wakey!!! Argh!!! 5 hours of sleep only... We started to pack up, and made our way for breakfast. At aroun 7.30am, we went to Labrador for picnic and more games. One of the games was WATER BOMBS!!! haha... That was fun. Ernest was drenched after the game... poor fellow... At around noon, we went back to church and departed from there.
There were 5 stations in total and for the first station, the kids had to take three tests. Firstly, they had to rest their forehead on a pole and then spin round 10 times. Secondly, Take a skipping rope and skip three times. Lastly, throw three bean bags into a basket. That ended the first station. The next station, the kids had to put cups on their heads and pour water into the cup beside them. The motive: to get everyone wet! The third station was something most of us might have done before. Passing a rubber band with a toothpick at the mouth. The fourth station was a challenging one. The different groups were blindfolded and they had to make their way down two flights of stairs with a leader picking up six toys on the way down. The twist was we only gave them five while making their way down. The other toy had to be "picked up by coming all the way up again. The last station, which I thought was the most fun, was "THE ANGEL OF DEATH". The groups had to pick up 12 purple bricks and stack them up. Of the 12, one will be with the Angel of Death. If they were noisy and unlucky, you should know what would happen! Jason was the Death Angel for the first two groups while I was the Death Angel for the last group. Boy was it fun.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was nothing much actually, but I did learn a bit on how to play the drums... Worse then a beginner's level... haha... Also learnt a few magic card tricks... And after dinner, the children got together and we sang some songs. After that , teacher Yok Mei taught them some things about puppets... Before bedtime, we had supper under the stars. And I mean literally. We were on the roof top of the church. At around 10.30pm, it was lights out... But the youth had a special birthday surprise for Candice. We stayed all the way until 11.30pm... I guess... At 12.30am, I decided it was time to sleep. Some of the guys played computer soccer, while some slept as well.
6.30am... Wakey wakey!!! Argh!!! 5 hours of sleep only... We started to pack up, and made our way for breakfast. At aroun 7.30am, we went to Labrador for picnic and more games. One of the games was WATER BOMBS!!! haha... That was fun. Ernest was drenched after the game... poor fellow... At around noon, we went back to church and departed from there.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
1t'5 aLL ab0ut AppL3...

I've been doing some thinking for the past few moments and would just like to write it in the blog... My class may soon be getting a MacBook, MAYBE the 13-inch white, 2.0GHz one. We will have it for free for the first three months of the second semester. After that, if we wanna continue keeping the MacBook, we just have to pay HALF OF THE ORIGINAL PRICE. But the thing is, what about the Mac OS X Leopard software??? I'm not sure if it will be included in the MacBook when we first receive it...
The initial plan was that we use Mummy's $700 from MOE to get my MacBook WITH the Leopard software in JULY- that's around when the Leopard will be released... But now with the one the school will be lending us, should i/mummy buy the MacBook w/o the Leopard school will give and then get the Leopard from Apple Store?
I hope the MacBook I get from school will come with the Leopard software and after the three months, just buy the MacBook at half price...
But I must still remember the people who have yet to make the decision...
- Maris Stella High
- Mummy
- Clinton kor kor...
- =p
Monday, April 2, 2007
Apple iCalculator
Friday, March 30, 2007
D'n'T L3550n 2d43...

lol... I brought my camera today, thinking that I could take a picture of the class with Ms Lee for the class blog... But there wasn't enough time and Jonathan Heng and Wen Jie weren't in school. Jon is now having chicken pox while Wen Jie has an ankle infection... sighs... I may only be able to take the picture next week... But I took a few snapshots during Design and Tech. haha... - It's Friday at last! woohoo! -
Saturday, March 24, 2007
pHaNt0m 0f tH3 0p3rA
10.30am - 12.30pm : Had breakfast, had lunch and prepared to go out
12.30pm - 1.50pm : Left home and took an MRT to City Hall / Esplanade to meet Daddy & Mummy to watch Phatom of the Opera.
1.50 pm - 4.30pm : Watching Phatom of the Opera... It was really nice!
4.30pm - 8.30pm : Went to VivoCity and bought a new Canon Camera...
Model: Digital Ixus 850IS... After that, I brought Daady & Mummy to eat the best Hokkien Mee on earth in Food Republic.... Daddy did not try it but Mummy enjoyed it...
8.30pm - ... : Went home...
12.30pm - 1.50pm : Left home and took an MRT to City Hall / Esplanade to meet Daddy & Mummy to watch Phatom of the Opera.
1.50 pm - 4.30pm : Watching Phatom of the Opera... It was really nice!
4.30pm - 8.30pm : Went to VivoCity and bought a new Canon Camera...
Model: Digital Ixus 850IS... After that, I brought Daady & Mummy to eat the best Hokkien Mee on earth in Food Republic.... Daddy did not try it but Mummy enjoyed it...
8.30pm - ... : Went home...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

sighs... I feel so "bad" for not blogging these past few days. I'm so sian now... So tired... Anyway just wanna let you guys know that I was busy, I am busy, and I'll always be busy... Sec 1 is just so much different now... I had loads of fun from the evening of friday to the night of sunday. I went for some "Empower U" program and it was the BEST weekend I've ever had - I was practically dancing after every meal... Even made some new friends there as well... Anyway, like I told you, I'm busy... So ttff...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
dAy 0uT...
Kar jie, Clinton kor kor and Asher came to stay over yesterday night.
In the morning today, the four of us went out to East Coast Park to cycle. Clinton kor kor rented a bike with a child seat behind him for Asher. During the ride, Asher fell asleep! He slept at around 12 midnight and woke up at around 6.30 in the morning. We then decided to go back home to let him have his lunch.
At around 3pm after lunch, we went down to the new IKEA @ Tampines and it was gigantic. To me, i felt that i was in the airport with 3 terminals: IKEA, Courts and Giant. IKEA itself was already big. Kar jie and Clinton kor kor were looking at furniture they may want for Asher's room next time. I was looking at desks and workstations I would want for my new bedroom in Tangerine Grove. And i found one. I loved it. The colours of the workstation would even go with the colours of my wall. The only thing is, I was not sure if it would fit the room. After that, we went to get coffee and tea at the cafe, Again gigantic. Or at least, it was bigger than the cafe at Alexandra. When Asher saw the tea kar jie had ordered, he wanted some. He pointed at it with his finger. When kar jie was about to feed him, his eyes closed, with his finger still pointing at it. Funny, yet cute. Then kar jie fed him the tea with his eyes still closed. He must have enjoyed drinking tea in his sleep. When we were done, we decided it was time to leave. On the way to the carpark, we passed through the warehouse where they keep ALL the furniture and it was HUMONGOUS! Most of the furniture were in brown boxes.
In the morning today, the four of us went out to East Coast Park to cycle. Clinton kor kor rented a bike with a child seat behind him for Asher. During the ride, Asher fell asleep! He slept at around 12 midnight and woke up at around 6.30 in the morning. We then decided to go back home to let him have his lunch.
At around 3pm after lunch, we went down to the new IKEA @ Tampines and it was gigantic. To me, i felt that i was in the airport with 3 terminals: IKEA, Courts and Giant. IKEA itself was already big. Kar jie and Clinton kor kor were looking at furniture they may want for Asher's room next time. I was looking at desks and workstations I would want for my new bedroom in Tangerine Grove. And i found one. I loved it. The colours of the workstation would even go with the colours of my wall. The only thing is, I was not sure if it would fit the room. After that, we went to get coffee and tea at the cafe, Again gigantic. Or at least, it was bigger than the cafe at Alexandra. When Asher saw the tea kar jie had ordered, he wanted some. He pointed at it with his finger. When kar jie was about to feed him, his eyes closed, with his finger still pointing at it. Funny, yet cute. Then kar jie fed him the tea with his eyes still closed. He must have enjoyed drinking tea in his sleep. When we were done, we decided it was time to leave. On the way to the carpark, we passed through the warehouse where they keep ALL the furniture and it was HUMONGOUS! Most of the furniture were in brown boxes.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
5taY0V3r aT lUc1u5
Stayed over at Lucius' place last night as both of us had to do english literature project. We started working only after dinner. His parents had to go for a wake so it was only the two of us plus his younger siblings... We all had fun... We went to bed only after 11pm. When i took out his sleeping bag from the "bag of the sleeping bag", guess what i found. The sweet wrappers of the sweets i gave him during Sec 1 orientation camp! And a whole lot of them just came out. Both of us had a good laugh.
This morning, Benedict and Jian Ming came over and we started to do our maths project. When we were done, Lucius' maid cooked us some scumptious chicken chop for lunch. After that, Lucius left for his band practice, Benedict heading for home while Jian Ming and I left for Tampines Mall. We played at the E-zone arcade for a while and left.
This morning, Benedict and Jian Ming came over and we started to do our maths project. When we were done, Lucius' maid cooked us some scumptious chicken chop for lunch. After that, Lucius left for his band practice, Benedict heading for home while Jian Ming and I left for Tampines Mall. We played at the E-zone arcade for a while and left.
Signing off sleepily,
Sunday, March 11, 2007
wH0 i5 J35U5?
Just reflecting on what i learnt in my second week of foundation one class...
- Jesus was fully human.
*The rest are a bit too long and complicated for me to type it out... Sorry!
- But here's a verse which i find kindda meaningful:
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
- Jesus was fully human.
*The rest are a bit too long and complicated for me to type it out... Sorry!
- But here's a verse which i find kindda meaningful:
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
Saturday, March 10, 2007
1'LL m155 m1nDcHamP5
sighs... Today was the last day of MindChamps... The class and I spent the first half of the day preparing the room for the parents and getting back our results for the test. I could not believe it. I got 87%. I *passed!After lunch, we practiced our speech and did some touch-ups... Then the parents came. I was sixth to do my speech. After everything was over, i felt that my speech was better than what i expected. I had to memorise my speech which was a whole page long with font 12 hello... After graduation, took some snapshots with my friends and miss choo. After that, mummy and i left to meet daddy at St. Andrew's and from there, left for Ngee Ann City...
Bought a Lego Vikings Chess Set which cost me $60 at Ngee Ann City... But it was worth it... =)
*The passing mark for the test was 80%!
Bought a Lego Vikings Chess Set which cost me $60 at Ngee Ann City... But it was worth it... =)
*The passing mark for the test was 80%!
Friday, March 9, 2007
lA5T dAy 0f t3rM 1!
WOOHOO! It's finally the last day of term 1 and i'm feeling great. The only thing i hate about the one week holiday is that there's a lot of homework to complete with just so little time!
- Chinese Language: Report
- English Literature: Project Work
- Maths: Project Work on Data Handling
Problem Sums which are really "problemetic"
- Science: E-Learning and a worksheet
- Geography: Collecting of some Data
Not only that, I still have to memorise my speech for MindChamps tomorrow! It will sadly be the last lesson and my graduation... I really hope I passed the test...
And talking about tests, I got back my Progress Report for school today! By God's grace, i managed to pass all my subjects, with 50% for my geography! woohoo!
- Chinese Language: Report
- English Literature: Project Work
- Maths: Project Work on Data Handling
Problem Sums which are really "problemetic"
- Science: E-Learning and a worksheet
- Geography: Collecting of some Data
Not only that, I still have to memorise my speech for MindChamps tomorrow! It will sadly be the last lesson and my graduation... I really hope I passed the test...
And talking about tests, I got back my Progress Report for school today! By God's grace, i managed to pass all my subjects, with 50% for my geography! woohoo!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
cAn'T wA1t 2 5h1fT h0u53...
My legs and my back are still aching... But i am happy that i got to see my new condo at last... After school at around 4.05pm, daddy and mummy came to fetch me and we all went to Tangerine Grove... We managed to get in as the contrator is one of daddy's friends... I realised that my room is super small... And the view of the pool is better than what i expected! I really can't wait to move in asap...
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
t1R3d J3r3mY
Monday, March 5, 2007
jU5 f0110W 1aW

Catched the movie "Just Follow Law" today... Only me and Lucius... Actually asked Jian Ming and Ben Woo to come... but Jian Ming's parents did not allow while Ben Woo had competition... The movie overall was nice and funny... The main part of the show was when Lim Teng Zui (Gurmit Singh) and Fann Wong (Tanya Chew) exchanged personalities, and they had to do the other person's job, and take care of the other person's family... The end? Find it out yourself!
*Oya, and here's a tip. The next time you wanna buy 'Ben and Jerry's' Ice cream, buy it from GOLDEN VILLAGE! Trust me, it's more worth it than buying it from the main 'Ben and Jerry's' outlet...
*Oya, and here's a tip. The next time you wanna buy 'Ben and Jerry's' Ice cream, buy it from GOLDEN VILLAGE! Trust me, it's more worth it than buying it from the main 'Ben and Jerry's' outlet...
Sunday, March 4, 2007
wHaT cAn Chr15t1aN1tY 0fF3R m3?
Just reflecting on what i learnt in my first week of foundation 1 class...
C.S. Lewis once said:"Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and, if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be, is moderately important."
- Christianity offers direction, reality, and life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- We were created to know and fellowship with God.
- Jesus Christ took the punishment of sin for all people - past, present and future. Jesus restored what sin had destroyed. "He was wounded for our transgressions..." (Isaiah 53:5)
C.S. Lewis once said:"Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and, if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be, is moderately important."
- Christianity offers direction, reality, and life through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- We were created to know and fellowship with God.
- Jesus Christ took the punishment of sin for all people - past, present and future. Jesus restored what sin had destroyed. "He was wounded for our transgressions..." (Isaiah 53:5)
pR0tRaCt3r pR1nT0uT
Friday, March 2, 2007
cr055 c0untry canc313d... y3a!!!

Today cross country @ Bishan was cancelled due to the rain! hoorah! Before we went to Bishan, Lucius, Jian Ming, Jia Khee and i decided to go to Lucius' house to put our bags down. After that, we took a cab to Junction 8. Met Ben Woo , Joshua and other friends there as well. We went to Bishan park only at 2pm+. Suddenly, it started to rain overthere... Then after certain considerations, our teachers decided to call it off. woohoo! Then, Ms Lee told us to try and bring back a few mineral bottles b'coz got alot left. Renbin, Joshua, Jia Khee, Lucius, Jian Ming, Ben Woo, Isaac and i decided to bring back 4 boxes of 24 mineral bottles EACH. Super heavy! Then b'coz of the rain, the box started to tear... A few bottles dropped on the floor but we had no hands to pick 'em up. Then when we reach the bus stop, the rain started to get super heavy. I told 'em to give the mineral water to anyone we meet, strangers. And boy did it work. B'coz of tat, we cleared around 3o bottles of water. We dropped around 10 bottles. We drank 10 bottles. remaining, 46 bottles. I took out 5 bottles to bring home and someone else took 6/7 bottles. Total remainder: 34. We stuffed all 34 bottles into Lucius' fridge when we reached home. We then decided to play 'black jackk. Loser has to drink 1 bottle of water. Poor Jian Ming had to drink 3.5 bottles of water. I drank 1. After Ben Woo, Jia Khee and Joshua left, the remaining five us of decided to 'gossip' about the class. Super fun. Then at 6.30pm mummy came. bb...
Oya, Science test paper today: EASY IN THE BEGINNING, DIFFICULT IN THE END. :p
Oya, Science test paper today: EASY IN THE BEGINNING, DIFFICULT IN THE END. :p
Thursday, March 1, 2007
ju5 a di5app01nt1n9 da3...
What a disappointing day...
-Today maths test was so darn easy!!! BUT i could not finish up the paper in time... Out of 40 marks, i know i'm already gonna lose 11 MARKS b'coz i did not have time to finish it!!!
-Today actually wanted to go see my new condo @ Paya Lebar... Then after that my parents said the contractor guy today on leave so cannot go...
-Hav to rush studying my science b'coz after that i need to finish alot of D n T homework!!!
2moro las test paper liaos!!! YEA!!! BUT after school got CROSS-COUNTRY @ bishan!!! ~~~
What a disappointing day...
-Today maths test was so darn easy!!! BUT i could not finish up the paper in time... Out of 40 marks, i know i'm already gonna lose 11 MARKS b'coz i did not have time to finish it!!!
-Today actually wanted to go see my new condo @ Paya Lebar... Then after that my parents said the contractor guy today on leave so cannot go...
-Hav to rush studying my science b'coz after that i need to finish alot of D n T homework!!!
2moro las test paper liaos!!! YEA!!! BUT after school got CROSS-COUNTRY @ bishan!!! ~~~
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
c0mm0n t3st s0 FaR
My first post on my first blog...
Guess i'll talk bout the common tests i had the past 2 days n today?... English was actually kindda easy on mon... Yesterday was geography... i found it hard... Especially the pictures they gave... They were all in black and white! Today was chinese. Difficult for me as usual... Tomorrow is maths... What could happen???
Guess i'll talk bout the common tests i had the past 2 days n today?... English was actually kindda easy on mon... Yesterday was geography... i found it hard... Especially the pictures they gave... They were all in black and white! Today was chinese. Difficult for me as usual... Tomorrow is maths... What could happen???
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